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Saturday, April 25, 2015

NASA Accidently Created a Warp Field?

05:15 25.04.2015(updated 12:19 25.04.2015)

Warp drive was long the stuff of Star Trek fantasy – “Warp speed, Mr. Sulu,” is the command often given by James Kirk, captain of the fictional Starship Enterprise.

But in the 1990s, physicist Miguel Alcubierre proposed the idea of a wave that would cause the space ahead of a spacecraft to contract, while the space behind it expands. This distortion would create a warp bubble, in which a ship would travel while itself remaining stationary.

The tremendous amount of energy required made it impossible to translate Alcubierre’s vision into reality, however.

Building on his predecessor’s theories, Harold “Sonny” White of NASA’s Johnson Space Center made alterations that would significantly reduce the energy needs.

Meanwhile, in the lab, NASA and other space programs were experimenting with the EmDrive, a thrust engine that would be able to move in space without the need for fuel.

— Yawnee (@negusyoni) April 24, 2015 

According to posts on, a website devoted to the engineering side of space news, when lasers were fired through the EmDrive’s resonance chamber, some of the beams appeared to travel faster than the speed of light.

If that’s true, it would mean that the EmDrive is producing a warp field or bubble.

— Giant Angry Robot (@angryrobotftw) April 24, 2015

Mysterious Universe pulled the following comment from a space forum after the tests:

“That’s the big surprise. This signature (the interference pattern) on the EmDrive looks just like what a warp bubble looks like. And the math behind the warp bubble apparently matches the interference pattern found in the EmDrive.”

What’s more, the discovery was accidental, as this comment points out:

“Seems to have been an accidental connection. They were wondering where this ‘thrust’ might be coming from. One scientist proposed that maybe it’s a warp of the spacetime foam, which is causing the thrust.”

To prove that the warp effect was not caused by atmospheric heating, scientists will have to replicate the test in a vacuum. If the same results are achieved, it could mean that the EmDrive is producing a warp field, which could ultimately lead to the development of a warp drive.




CREATED 11-27-2000

Rumors that circulate announcing pending official disclosure of existence of advanced secret flying vehicle are probably aimed at TR-3B.

The reason why TR-3B is an outdated platform is this:

To be able to attain massive acceleration changes, main propulsion device of any such vehicle must be able to bend local gravity field in a way that, not only isolates it’s mass from gravity influence, but attains adequate amount of negative gravity mass also. For such vehicle no multimode, hydrogen powered thrusters are needed.

If one it is to judge from the content of the article with title The Gravitational Spacecraft, which was published on 27 December 1998 issue of Electric Spacecraft Journal by Brazilian physicist Fran de Aquino from Brazil’s Maranhao State University (CLICK HERE FOR LINK), whose papers are archived even on the Los Alamos National Laboratory Website, such propulsion is not only possible, but probably already in Nautilususe. It this article Mr. Aquino clearly demonstrates the existence of electromagnetic factor correlating gravitational end inertial masses of the body and shows a practical way to increase, reduce, annul or turn negative the gravitational mass of the physical body by means of electromagnetic fields.

That this theory makes a new concept of aerospace flight and spacecraft quite possible, it was shown this January in laboratory conditions when the reduction of 68% of weight of special thorus winding was achieved.

More about Mr. Aquino and the details of his theory in a separate article to follow. Meanwhile watch for the space borne triangle ships of fourth generation like this one on the right, which was taken from SOHO C3 camera image on 05-25-2000 at 13:42.

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