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Friday, April 24, 2015

Army Agrees to Meeting to Dispel Jade Helm Hoax

Announcement: Army Agrees to Meeting to Dispel Jade Helm Hoax

Posted by Gordon Duff, Senior Editor on April 24, 2015

The JADE HELM 15 presentation to commissioners will be held in the Commissioners Courtroom at 804 Pecan St., 2nd floor, and is open to the public. The meeting starts at 9 a.m., the military training presentation is scheduled for 11 a.m. (Bastrop, Tx)


By Gordon Duff, Senior Editor

The US Army, in response to an internet hoax, is having a public informational meeting and presentation on Operation Jade Helm. Everyone is invited. I think one can safely assume, based on this move alone, that there will not be martial law and gun confiscations across the US as stated in hundreds of websites. 

A white supremacist publication headlined VT as a “Jewish run publication” and cited how we were working with the US Army to seize America’s guns and imprison 10 million people in secret tunnels under Walmart Stores.

What is interesting, of course, is that the US Army has, for the first time in decades, a strong command structure that respects the constitution and is comfortable with being at odds with Israel. The first time the military goes “America first,” they come under attack in a bizarre hoax easily traced to the Israel lobby and their “strange bedfellow” cardboard lothario “Jew hating” neo-Nazi friends.

Sometimes you can’t tell the players without both a scorecard and IQ above room temperature.

Will America’s lunatic fringe show up at the Backstrop County Courthouse for the pubic briefing on Jade Helm? Will Alex Jones and company, Hannity and the gang from the circus at “Bundy Ranch” show up with guns? 

Bundy sniper. Is he providing cover for Hannity or Alex Jones? Point a weapon at the Army, you go home to mama in a bag.

Though they don’t admit it, the Army has to have considered that the militia groups being recruited by Jade Helm hoaxers, some with tons of mysterious cash, may well open fire on any American in uniform anywhere in the country.

What the Army has done, though they are also unaware, is save the alternative press. The way things are going, with so many amateur bloggers, generally up to their necks in selling phony cancer cures, male “vitality” formulas and “prepper” gear, people who will carry any story that will promote their often useless and defective commercial garbage, killing the Jade Helm hoax may save some less careful independent news sites from meltdown.

What can’t be saved, however, are those who have jumped in with both feet. By April 27, they either pretend they were just kidding or take lying to a whole new level.

Either way, they are toast.

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