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Sunday, March 1, 2015

Endless Wars - Constant Surveillance - Second American Revolution

For at least the last fourteen years, our country has been involved in a war or conflict somewhere in the world. The part that always makes me just hoot is the usual excuse given, 'we are spreading democracy'. Really? Ask the people of Iraq or Afghanistan how they like our brand of democracy. I think you might get a different perspective. It is no great wonder to me that many in that part of the world refer to the United States as 'The Great Satan'.

Of course along with that comes the ever greater tightening of security. After all, if you are going to act like the global bully, you can expect some blow-back. In the beginning, we were told that surveillance powers would only be used on terrorists. But look how the definition of terrorist has expanded since 9/11. Shouldn't we be grateful for the expanded surveillance? After all, it is keeping Americans safe, right? If we aren't doing anything unlawful, why should we care about our civil liberties? If I hear that about one more time from some fleecy brain-dead person, I'm going to hurl!

Privacy or the expectation of not being constantly under surveillance to my mind comes under the protection outlined for us in the Bill of Rights, especially the fourth Amendment – to be secure in our persons from unwarranted search and seizure. To me it's like turning around the burden of proof in a court trial. The burden of proof that a crime has been committed should fall on the accuser, not on the accused. But in a totalitarian society that is the norm. And that is the direction we're heading and have been in for some time. 

It matters that someone is able to access my privacy in any manner without my permission, in some cases knowledge, a warrant or probable cause. Of course, the way that governments get away with this is to stage false flags, like 9/11. Scare the sheeple spectacularly enough and they will beg the government to do something to protect them. That is actually one of the very few functions of the federal government granted by the Constitution, to protect the people from foreign aggression, but this government has granted itself far more power than the Framers of the Constitution ever intended and we have allowed them to get away with it. David Icke calls this Problem/Reaction?Solution. It was used by the Nazis at the beginning of WWII and has been employed by nearly every dictator and neighborhood bully quite successfully.

The government uses these 'terror attacks' to not only justify complete surveillance of it's citizens but also for its endless wars. We've invaded or otherwise aided in assaults on seven sovereign countries since 9/11. I don't believe the American people would have long tolerated this without the impetus of 9/11. That event changed everything. At the same time, our government is meddling in the affairs of other countries in every hemisphere, but most especially those countries that have something we want – like oil.

If there is any faction that is opposed to the present leader in those countries, and that is almost always the case in any country, then train and arm them. Wind them up and turn them loose. This is the other side of these endless wars we've been in since 2001, but really since 1945. Of course, we are just making the world safe for democracy. Who died and put us in charge of the rest of the world? If we can't find a reason to invade another country, we can always manufacture one. It worked for Hitler as an excuse to invade Poland when he dressed prisoners up as German soldiers and his German soldiers as the Polish troops and staged a slaughter. Yet no one bothered to do an investigation until long afterward.

The people of other nations don't want an imperialistic country like we've become running their country, controlling their leaders, sucking up all the wealth and certainly not bombing or poisoning their population. They don't want us building bases on their soil. How many bases do we have in other countries now? And how much did our government strong-arm them or scare them for the privilege? Of course there is anti-American sentiment. Why wouldn't there be? The people of these countries who have any backbone are going to resist these globalist war mongers. That would be us. Look at our history. Not the one in the history books. The real one. Read some of Noam Chomsky's books, especially on American hegemony. He hits it dead center.

Eisenhower warned us about the military/industrial complex as he exited office. What he didn't say was that any bureaucracy is self-sustaining. For the first time in our history, after WWII, the military didn't return to peaceful watchful status. We now had that standing army that Jefferson and other Founding Fathers warned us about. It had grown, along with the surveillance arm called the O.S.S., soon to be renamed the C.I.A., into something that would soon operate out of sight of most Americans, out of reach of most presidents and with less real oversight from Congress than any other government agency. Their motto appeared to be, 'you can't make an omelet without breaking a few eggs' or 'the end justifies the means' torture? How far would they go?

Now we have the Department of Homeland Security who, according to a report obtained by CNN last week believes that right wing sovereign citizen extremists are a bigger threat than Islamic extremists who support ISIS. Let that soak in for a moment. DHS is willing to spend more time, effort and money to surveil, perhaps detain American citizens who believe in the Constitution and Bill of Rights, especially the Second Amendment, than those who support a known terror organization. Uh, would that be because they know that ISIS is trained, armed and controlled by rogue elements of the C.I.A.? They aren't worried about them. It's the patriots across this country they fear because they don't control them. Our Founding Fathers must be flipping in their graves at the sorry state that our nation has fallen into.

So, because they fear multiple Ruby Ridges and Wacos, we are being put on the hit list? I wouldn't even consider myself a right-wing. Like most Americans, I'm much more of a moderate. But don't push me. As a side note, did anyone else catch the 'Criminal Minds' episode that was a thinly veiled replay of Waco? The guy that played the leader even resembled David Koresh. Let's program the sheeple to think that any kind of dissidence is bad. And whatever means you have to employ to neutralize them is okay, including slaughtering women and children. When you do a thorough research of those two incidences, what did either of those groups of people do that warranted their slaughter?

The Powers That Be think they are programing us for the complete takeover of America. But all of us are not susceptible to programing. And, as far as TPTB are concerned, those people are them. Has it not occurred to the sheeple who are bleating for the government to take care of them and protect them, that this is what all dictators do? As you take control of a people, or a country, you stage enough 'incidents of terror' to scare the populace, then give them a tighter and longer list of rules to follow with the instructions to watch their neighbors and report any infringement of those rules.

They use the military and whatever law enforcement is at hand to enforce their increasingly draconian laws and by the time the sheeple wake up, the wolves are in complete control. Except for the resistance groups. These have been the thorn in the side of every dictator in history. Those pesky people who just won't obey unjust laws. Of course the military have long forgotten what Stalin did to the Russian military once he had used them to disarm and subjugate the civilians. Many were imprisoned, but most were shot. Hitler did the same with his Brown Shirts.

It will be no different for this military, already receiving a Stalin type purge from this dictator. And law enforcement won't escape this end either. Any group that is armed and capable of overthrowing tyranny once fully awake, will be on their hit list. But first divide and conquer. Pit the military and police against the citizens. Make sure they view each other as the enemy. And yes, that could include assassinating a few law enforcement officers for emphasis. Nothing the elite do surprises me anymore.

DHS has barely stopped short of saying that all citizens who consider themselves to be sovereign citizens are dangerous. But they warned that law enforcement would no doubt come under increasing attack from such people or groups. The direct quote is:

“Law enforcement officers “will remain the primary target of sovereign citizens violence over the next year due to their role in physically enforcing laws and regulations.” They warn that most of these violent episodes are likely to occur “during routine law enforcement encounters at a 'suspects' home, during traffic stops or at federal buildings.”

I don't know about federal buildings but when police violate the Constitution they have taken an oath to uphold by crashing through someones door without warrant or probable cause, yes, they are likely to be met with armed resistance. When law enforcement routinely drag people out of their cars, assault them, confiscate their property and keep it, there are very likely going to be those who will also resist this Gestapo like behavior. Law enforcement is a dangerous enough job without allowing themselves to be used as the hammer of governmental tyranny. Everyone starts to look like a nail at that point.

I am heartened by the number of military and law enforcement who have said they will honor their oath and refuse to participate in unconstitutional decrees from TPTB. Hopefully that will continue to grow. We do not need to allow the elite to turn our world into their UN Agenda 21 dream. I would love nothing more than to see these elite rounded up and thrown into the cells they've prepared for us. Many would like to see them swinging from lamp posts. I agree they deserve it, but I would far rather let them linger in prison while we feed them GMO food, fluoridated water, breathing pumped in chem-trail residue and vaccinated keep them healthy of course. And when they become sick, pumped full of Big Pharma's medicine. I believe in poetic justice.

Read the Declaration of Independence, the Federalist Papers, the Constitution and Bill of Rights. Find out how this country is supposed to operate. Decide which reality you would prefer to live in. Maybe after we take our country back we can use our military to clean up the mess we've made globally and restore the people of the world to the freedom to live their lives as they choose. We have a lot of work to do in this country as well. There will be honest work in about every sector for everyone who wants to work. This will become known as the Second American Revolution.

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