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Saturday, March 21, 2015

BREAKING: Leo Wanta and Gordon Duff Exposed as CRIMINALS

This is an interesting piece of information I've recieved from a contact who formerly worked for the CIA. I thought I would share this to everyone.

Gordon Duff Exposed

Tom Heneghan from Intelligence Breifing has been claimg for years that Gordon Duff operates his website, Veterans Today on behalf of the NSA (National Security Agency). It has been known that Duff has been using his website to take down websites of patriotic American citizens for exercising their 1st Amendment rights. Gordon Duff, who is actually Jewish, once told this reporter over the phone that Nazi Germany had a good cause to wage World War II. Who's side is Gordon Duff really on?

Leo Wanta Exposed

According to Tom Heneghan, British journalist Christopher Story aka Edward Harle was correct when he indentified Leo Wanta - a fraudulent alleged ambassador, as nothing more than a total patsy for the German Nazi Paperclip occupation of the United States. It has been revealed that Wanta is directly linked to this German Nazi bloodline from the State of Wisconsin. Crimes of this group include the looting of the United States Treasury. The Bush family is directly linked with this bloodline. Thomas G. Heneghan claims that Leo Wanta threatened him that if he does not cooperate with their Nazi Paperclip, he would be dealt with.

Former Vice President Richard Cheney, along with Gordon Duff of Veterans Today, alleged FBI Division 5 informants and now totally discredited Stew Webb are a direct criminal felony committed by Leo Wanta.

This is a direct message from Thomas G. Heneghan to Leo Wanta and Gordon Duff:

"We are now going to go along with the idea that the Rule of Law should be implemented. Accordingly, based on the Rule of Law, Al Gore is the duly elected REAL President of the United States.The U.S. Military is ready to pivot. There will be NO Bush, NO Bitch and NO Bank!"

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