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Monday, February 9, 2015

The Time Gods Walked the Earth Among Humans

Meditation mantras in the ancient Egyptian language are reverberating inside His underground temple. What an uplifting, magical, sound it is! If only you could hear it!

The marvelous, white, pyramids are reflecting the moonlight, shining like precious jewels from the Heavens. Aeons ago, they used to lit the night even brighter than the sun lights up the days – or so it is said. Nobody alive today has ever seen this magic... except for the Master, of course. His life is endless, like time itself.

Nearby, the mighty Sphinx guards this holy land from the shadows, with his cold limestone face gazing at his namesake constellation.

Beneath it, in the underground chambers, an important ceremony takes place.

Thirteen priests standing in a circle, all dressed up in ceremonial robes with black hoods, are chanting mantras forbidden to the rest. One of them is the high priest, distinguished only by his black-painted lips.

The chamber has a very high ceiling, painted as the Heavens above, and three of the walls are adorned with Egyptian symbols – stories that only the Master knows from experience.

The forth wall radiates forgotten glyphs, in the language of the precursors, in turquoise light. They look just as they are: out of this world.

In the middle of the circle formed by the priests, a huge crystal ball is being levitated by the magic chants. It seems to be feeding Source-light to the strange signs of the fourth wall, making them glow.

A very tall and skinny figure, approaches the ceremony. He is levitating two palms above the floor.

His ceremonial suit is made of metallic scales, beautifully adorned. They are shining! His suit is shining!

His bonny face strongly resembles that of the Sphinx – just as it should.

His eyes are shut. His elongated skull is a distinct feature of Royalty.

An odd-looking necklace, made of solid gold, hangs on his long and skinny neck. The Ankh-shaped pendant is adorned with a reversed teardrop crystal, which radiates powerful turquoise light. The Royal One holds a metallic staff in his right hand, which ends with the head of the Royal Snake. Its eyes are also shining.

Behold, the Master is shining!

The mantras turn into a collective hum and the crystal globe begins to descend, while its surreal glowing slowly fades. It eventually rests on a golden pedestal beautifully ornamented with gems, and its glowing stops. The strange marks on the forth wall stop glowing as well, but they do not disappear entirely.

Has the globe magically carved them into solid rock, or had they been previously carved and the crystal globe simply made them shine? What a fascinating mystery!

The feet of the Royal One touch the ground and his big blue eyes open wide. His pendant also stopped radiating powerful light, though a discreet turquoise “flower of life” is still visible inside the crystal.

“Heavenly Gates, Open Before Me!” his metallic voice reverberated throughout the temple.

“Praised be Your name, AMUN RA!” his subjects answered with one voice.

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