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Wednesday, February 11, 2015

A Final Checklist For Everyone

Bix Weir

My Road to Roota analysis shows that we are VERY CLOSE to the breakdown of the entire fiat monetary system and I thought it a great time to go over final preparations for the coming chaos. In the grand scheme of things you can never be fully prepared for what is about to transpire because nobody on earth has been through it before...not to this scale. I guess the closest thing we can compare it to is the experience of the Germans in the early 1920's with the Weimar Republic. Look at how quickly their currency lost value:


Compound that onto a GLOBAL SCALE and the currency in question is ALL FIAT CURRENCIES IN EVERY COUNTRY and you can get an idea of just how big this is and how fast it can happen.

Let me ask you an important question. How safe do you think ELECTRONIC ASSETS really are? I'm not that old but I can remember my first savings account and I was issued something called a "passbook" where the bank had a special stamp they put in my book to record every deposit and withdrawal I made. They also wrote it down in their ledger and signed off on the transaction. For some reason, the act of physically recording my fluctuating wealth made me feel very secure even though the access to my "wealth" was totally dependent upon the health and well being of my bank.

That was only 40 years ago. Now days EVERYTHING is done on computers. Your balance, statements, checks, withdrawals, deposits have all been turned into little 1's and 0's and stored on magnetic disks. Oh, be assured that that's all computer data storage is... 1's and 0's recorded on a storage disk. They rarely even mail statements anymore...everything is VIRTUAL.

Money is CREATED in the same way....with little 1's and 0's on magnetic discs. Convenient...yes. Durable...NO. Free from fraud...NO. Free from manipulation...NO. In the hands of the Bad Guys...YES! The fact is that computer wealth is even less reliable than paper wealth which in itself is not credible. It is not real wealth but a derivative of wealth. It is nothing but VIRTUAL WEALTH!

You might laugh at the 17th century Dutch who experienced the first recorded financial bubble bursting with Tulip Mania.

How could they have possibly believed that a FLOWER could take on the characteristics of money...of true wealth? Well, what do you figure those "Crazy Dutchmen" would think if we told them that we placed ALL our faith in tiny electronic 1's and 0's recorded on a magnetic disc? Who are the REAL FOOLS?

Trust in electronic wealth has turned into some kind of MASS HYSTERIA. To think that the entire world has freely placed all their wealth in these little electric blips and in the hands of those who control all the 1's and 0's. What if those 1's and 0's were to disappear one day? Gone forever? What would you REALLY own then? Would you kick yourself for buying into the MASS HYSTERIA when it cracks?

I guarantee you that our little experiment with "VIRTUAL WEALTH" is going to end very badly...and very soon!

Let's talk about different scenarios of how these 1's and 0's can be erased from this world.

SCENARIO 1 - The EMP(Electro Magnetic Pulse)

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